Contact Us

The Dow Street Community Music School is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. For the last year, our building at 1272 Dow Street has been under renovation. Renovations are now complete and we are open for instruction!

For inquiries about music instruction (private and group), please include all pertinent information, such as age (available for children 5+ and adults), instrument, level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), and a brief description of previous musical experience (if any), by completing our Interest Inquiry form, sending an email to, call our office at (615) 225-8294 or our cell at (615) 202-3641. We will return your message as soon as possible during normal business hours.

Need-based scholarships are available – so let us know if you think you may qualify.


Do you have have something to say?
Please contact us.

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asked questions below.

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To establish the most suitable level of study you may need to be auditioned first. Your theory knowledge and instrument proficiency will be assessed and based on your results, you will be placed in the correct level of study.
For the Music School any one interested in music is eligible irrespective of their ability to play.

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